Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are present in tropical and sub-tropical regions across the world and that’s why in India too, knowing effective methods of mosquito control is equally important. Mosquito populations increase mostly when they have stagnant water for breeding and that’s the first thing HiCare technicians will survey when they visit your home for mosquito pest control. Mosquito larvae is also eradicated during the mosquito control services, so that the chances of an infestation relapse also decrease. Mosquitoes breed in standing water as well as cool and shady areas, so every corner of your home will be inspected in our service. So, call HiCare now and make sure you’re safe from diseases like Malaria and Dengue throughout the year!
Flies Control

Flies can be a nuisance when buzzing around your premise, particularly if in large numbers. However, some species of fly also pose health risks to humans. House flies transmit a wide range of diseases including salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera and parasitic worms. In India, there is a high risk of disease transmission through flies. During emergency situations, when hygiene conditions are less than optimal, flies often are the main reason for cholera and dysentery epidemics. But even under normal conditions, children and elderly are at a greater risk of conducting more common diseases such as salmonella food poisoning from fly contaminated food.

Request Call Back for Termite Treatment Service:

1. Contact

Contact us and we will arrange for your local team to get in touch with you.

2. Survey

We will discuss your pest problem, arrange a survey if necessary and provide a quote and recommendations.

3. Treatment

Our experienced technicians will deliver professional service at your premise

4. Aftercare

Our dedicated customer care team will take care of your queries and complaints.